Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Free Professional Family Photo's

I have been asked several times about what the "catch is" or what the "deal" is. So here is the answer-


This is a service. A service to those that want family pictures and can't afford them. Don't worry. All of our photographers are volunteer photographers. They get nothing more than the joy of having families from all over get a memory that they deeply desire. The editors, volunteer their time. I volunteer my time.

Don't get me wrong, we won't turn away donations, even coins. Everything we get is turned into a part of this  Project. We are waiting for our Organization to become Non Profit, so we can get corporate donations but in the meantime we can use all the help we can get. If you only come for the picture, that is just fine. You do what you can do.

Thank you for letting us provide a small service that will have life long memories.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Update to Picturing Family

A few important things-

1- I have several Santa pictures left from our Saturday shoot- please contact me, if you didn't pick yours up.

2- Picturing Family is very grateful for the opportunity to serve so many wonderful families and we have decided to make it a Project that will happen often. We will be signing up photographers throughout the state of Utah to help with shoots in their area. If you are available to help at one of our functions, or would like to take a certain number of families, please let me know- picturingfamily@gmail.com
     Future Dates
     Feb in South Salt Lake- Waiting on a confirmation
     A Mother's Day shoot- End of April
     A Father's Day shoot/possible family celebration day- Beginning of June

3- I would love to have stories sent to me from the people that got their pictures taken. I want to add them to a slide show, that we are giving to some of our major contributors (and will hopefully be posted on Facebook and this blog).

4- We have a page on facebook! Woohoo!

5- We are applying for a non-profit Organization, if anyone has any hints about how to make the transition easier, please let me know.

6- We have a donate now button on our blog. Please share with those that are able to donate. Every penny helps a family get a photo.

Thank you! I couldn't have made my dream a reality, without all of this support. I am so glad that so many people are embracing my dream and helping out those families get something they always wanted, but were unable to get.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Saturday- Family Photo Shoot

Saturday, December 8th from 12 noon to 4 pm
At Broadview University
898 North 1200 West
Orem, Utah 84057

Please bring your family for a photo shoot.

You will receive one 8x10 photo (edited) and 1 DVD with all the images (including edited photo).

We are going to have all pictures edited and printed by Monday. You can arrange to pick them up on Monday afternoon between 4 and 6. If you are coming from far away, or that doesn't work, please let us know and we will make sure to get them to you soon, or arrange a different pick up.

Thank you so much for your time. If you can donate anything, please do (here or at the school). If you can't, don't feel obligated. Even 50 cents will help provide a picture for another family.

I look forward to meeting you all tomorrow!

Donation Button Live

There was a request for a donation button. I am currently using my paypal account while we are going to be applying for a Nonprofit organization, then I will have accounts set up for this Project.

Do not worry. Any and all donations are being used to keep this project going. We are in need of a lighting setup and backgrounds (for winter and bad weather shoots).

If you can donate any amount, it would be greatly appreciated and well used. Please share this with anyone you know that could donate.

Our first night was a success and more will be posted about Thursday (next week). I can't wait to get this organized and get those that couldn't attend, a photographer lined up to get those Family Pictures on the wall. If you know anyone in need of a family picture, please direct them our way.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Thursday and Saturday

It's coming up!

Are you ready?

Family Pictures- (makeup and hair help is available)
Thursday- 5pm to 8pm
Saturday- 12noon to 4 pm (Rumor has it Front Runner is free that day)
At- Broadview University 898 North 1200 West, Orem, Utah
Questions- to answer questions.

Please share and invite people to our Facebook Event Pages-

Due to an overwhelming response to our KSL.com story, we have been overwhelmed with questions about this activity and are trying to prepare for Service Project. Please be patient, we will be getting back to each of you.

Volunteers- An email will be going out tomorrow with instructions about time and a sign up for where you can help.

Donors- We still need help. We are still trying to collect more things. Please contact me directly, for a list.

Future Dates- We are in talks right now for another Service Project in Salt Lake after the first of the year.

Those needing pictures that can't come- please be patient with me. I will be getting in touch with each of you individually after this coming weekend. If you haven't heard from me in a week, please email me again.

Thanks again, for the support!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Answers to Questions

The response to shares and KSL.com have been phenomenal. And I can't believe the response I am getting. This is more than I ever dreamed of being able to do.

I have been asked a few questions over and over, so I need to clarify things.

Q- Do you need to schedule a time?
A- We are not taking time requests at this time. We are serving on a first come first serve basis. This is our first run of this project and I realize we will need to iron out things, but we have no idea how many people are going to come.

Q- Are they indoor or outdoor photo's?
A- We are trying to work out setups at this point, but right now it is looking like Thursday will be mostly indoor and Saturday will be a combination of indoor/outdoor.

Q- Do you still need volunteers?
A- We can use the help of anyone offering. For photographers, we can always rotate photographers in and give breaks. And if you have editing skills, we can use those too. We have had a request for another Project in Jan/Feb in the Salt Lake Area, so we can always have volunteers who will sign up for that. We will talk and set a day soon. We can use volunteers in many other aspects, running between photographers, editors, etc, helping keep kids busy and happy.

Q- If I need help with my children's hair (or mine), will you have someone who can help?
A- We will have volunteers on hand that will be able to help with Make-up or Hair. You can bring your own supplies, or use what we will have available (new, clean comb/brushes will be available).

Q-Do you still need donations?
A- We will take donations. If we don't need them for this specific project, they will be used towards helping those in need get pictures (paying for a few prints, CD's, and possibly gas money). If you have anything you can donate, please feel free. BUT- you are under no obligation to give money for any services you will receive.

Q- Can you do a private shoot for me and my family?
A- If it is possible to do it, we will find someone to help out for those that can't make arrangements to get to one of our Service Projects. I will try my best to be able to get to these people in need. I do work and go to school, but I will try my hardest. Please be patient.

Q- Who are your sponsors?
A- We are compiling a list of sponsors and we will be including that information by the end of December's service project.

Q- What do you still need?
A- We need photography equipment (lights, props, backgrounds, setups, etc), Printing supplies (ink, paper, blank CDs, etc), Make-up and hair supplies (combs, brushes, make up), and other background supplies.

Please remember, there is not obligation to get your Family Picture. This is our gift to you. One day, when you can, remember your memory and pass it along.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


We would like to invite anyone in need of a family picture, to come have one at no charge. We are starting a Project to make sure that everyone has access to a family picture, no matter what is available in your wallet.

This is a gift, a memory that everyone should have on their wall. Please share this information with anyone who is in need of a family picture.
Thursday, December 6th from 5 pm to 8 pm
Saturday, December 8th from 12 noon to 4 pm
At Broadview University
898 North 1200 West
Orem, Utah 84057

If you would like to volunteer, please come an hour early or stay an hour later to help clean up.
Please watch our blog for upcoming events

If you have any questions, please direct them to picturingfamily@gmail.com

If you know of someone who needs a picture, and are not able to attend either night, please email us directly.

And thank you to all those who are volunteering or have donated any items. We will have a list of those awesome companies and people.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dates and Volunteers Needed


Thursday, December 6th, 5-8pm
Saturday, December 8th, 12 noon to 4 pm

Depending on lighting and weather, we will have indoor and outdoor photography available. We are hoping to get some wonderful set ups.

In search of Volunteers!

Photographers- 2 or 3 hour shifts- Please let us know what times/days you are available

Hair Helpers/Make up helpers- 2 or 3 hour shifts

Wranglers/Runners- 2 or 3 hour shifts

Editors (photography)- If you can come edit, we will have space available to hook up your laptop, or possibly have a laptop or two available.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Helping others and we need Donations

The Goal of Picturing Family, is to help everyone get a family picture. This year, we are focusing on anyone who cannot afford to have pictures taken. We are sending flyers out to Sub4Santa (in Utah County), and local wards/churches. Anyone who shows up, we will attempt to get a family picture taken. If we can get the donations, we will burn the images on a CD, Print a picture and print some Christmas cards.

My Christmas wish is to provide a beautiful memory that can be seen hanging on a wall.

We are in need of donations- Money, supplies, or even loaning (borrowing) the items.

Backgrounds, lighting, and stools/chairs/small furniture.

Printing supplies- photo printer, ink, paper

SD Cards, to go between the photographers and the graphics

Hair and makeup supplies. For anyone that comes in and wants or needs help with hair/makeup. Any "samples" (Mary Kay/Avon/etc) would be greatly appreciated. Combs or brushes and hairspray would be a good help.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Days and Times

Our times, dates and locations are in final approval.

December 6th- 5pm to 8pm at Broadview University (next to WinCo)

December 8th- Noon to 4pm at Broadview University

I am in desperate need of photographers to sign up to help. We have been told that plenty would like to help, but none have confirmed days or times. Even if you could volunteer an hour or two, we can work around that.

I am looking for the use of equipment and props. Does anyone know where we can get some for very cheap or that someone would let us borrow them?

We still need plenty of help. If you are able to help in any way, please email me.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Donations Needed, Volunteers Needed

The goal of our service project, is to provide a Family Photo to those that don't have one, do to our economy. If you know anyone who is in need of a Family Photo and cannot afford to get one (in the Utah County Area), please let them know about this blog and help keep an eye open for more information.

We are planning on doing photo's during the first week of December. We will have several days available, in different areas (probably Provo, Orem and Pleasant Grove). Right now we are gathering donations of all kinds to help assist those in needs.

We are in need of-

Volunteers- Photographers, Anyone to help with Hair and Make-up, runners, and more

Donations needed-

Any "backgrounds" big enough for families, Photography lighting, stools, chairs, small furniture (for set ups), etc for setting the pictures up

Supplies and equipment to print pictures (printer, ink, paper), SD cards, etc.

Hair and make up supplies- Not a whole lot, but enough to help out the families that come in and ask for help with hair. We want everyone to feel and look beautiful for their family pictures.

We would gladly accept any donations towards purchasing these products. All excess donations will be donated to Sub 4 Santa, Elks Lodge and any other project that helps those in need.

There will be a drop off for toy donations, for the Sub 4 Santa program.