Sunday, December 2, 2012

Answers to Questions

The response to shares and have been phenomenal. And I can't believe the response I am getting. This is more than I ever dreamed of being able to do.

I have been asked a few questions over and over, so I need to clarify things.

Q- Do you need to schedule a time?
A- We are not taking time requests at this time. We are serving on a first come first serve basis. This is our first run of this project and I realize we will need to iron out things, but we have no idea how many people are going to come.

Q- Are they indoor or outdoor photo's?
A- We are trying to work out setups at this point, but right now it is looking like Thursday will be mostly indoor and Saturday will be a combination of indoor/outdoor.

Q- Do you still need volunteers?
A- We can use the help of anyone offering. For photographers, we can always rotate photographers in and give breaks. And if you have editing skills, we can use those too. We have had a request for another Project in Jan/Feb in the Salt Lake Area, so we can always have volunteers who will sign up for that. We will talk and set a day soon. We can use volunteers in many other aspects, running between photographers, editors, etc, helping keep kids busy and happy.

Q- If I need help with my children's hair (or mine), will you have someone who can help?
A- We will have volunteers on hand that will be able to help with Make-up or Hair. You can bring your own supplies, or use what we will have available (new, clean comb/brushes will be available).

Q-Do you still need donations?
A- We will take donations. If we don't need them for this specific project, they will be used towards helping those in need get pictures (paying for a few prints, CD's, and possibly gas money). If you have anything you can donate, please feel free. BUT- you are under no obligation to give money for any services you will receive.

Q- Can you do a private shoot for me and my family?
A- If it is possible to do it, we will find someone to help out for those that can't make arrangements to get to one of our Service Projects. I will try my best to be able to get to these people in need. I do work and go to school, but I will try my hardest. Please be patient.

Q- Who are your sponsors?
A- We are compiling a list of sponsors and we will be including that information by the end of December's service project.

Q- What do you still need?
A- We need photography equipment (lights, props, backgrounds, setups, etc), Printing supplies (ink, paper, blank CDs, etc), Make-up and hair supplies (combs, brushes, make up), and other background supplies.

Please remember, there is not obligation to get your Family Picture. This is our gift to you. One day, when you can, remember your memory and pass it along.

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